I thought I knew bulk operations well.
Today while coding up a quick hunk of PL/SQL, the code did not behave as expected.
Basically I’d had a senior moment and forgotten something that I think my novice DBA and developer readers might benefit from.
When you try to select some rows from a data structure using a filter, for which none of the rows in the structure are a match, in a SQL client tool, you’ll simply be told that you received 0 rows. But if you are doing the same select statement in PL/SQL to get the output INTO some waiting variable(s), Oracle will raise the NO_DATA_FOUND exception.
DROP TABLE my_emp; CREATE TABLE my_emp AS SELECT * FROM hr.employees; SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE l_email my_emp.email%TYPE; l_last_nm my_emp.last_name%TYPE; BEGIN l_last_nm := '&&last_name'; SELECT email INTO l_email FROM my_emp WHERE last_name = l_last_nm; dbms_output.put_line('Email Handle: ' || l_email); EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN dbms_output.put_line('Could not find employee given last name: ' || l_last_nm); END; /
Which produces this output if we give it a non-existent employee last name of “Bogus”
SQL> Table dropped Table created Could not find employee given last name: Bogus PL/SQL procedure successfully completed
This use of SELECT into a PL/SQL block is known as an explicit cursor and you must code for the NO_DATA_FOUND exception if you use it.
This is a good thing.
Unfortunately, once a new developer gets used to this NO_DATA_FOUND exception, they tend to get carried away with it and use it for basic UPDATE and DELETE DML, which is useless. Instead use cursor attributes SQL%FOUND or SQL%ROWCOUNT to determine if the UPDATE or DELETE worked.
I’ve also inherited lots of code in the past that had little functions and SQL that performed “existence checks” to ensure the data is present before attempted to do DML on the keyed data. This approach is entirely unnecessary and produces code that will never be exercised.
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE l_count INTEGER := 0; l_email my_emp.email%TYPE; l_last_nm my_emp.last_name%TYPE; BEGIN l_last_nm := '&&last_name'; SELECT COUNT(*) INTO l_count FROM my_emp WHERE last_name = l_last_nm; IF (l_count > 0) THEN SELECT email INTO l_email FROM my_emp WHERE last_name = l_last_nm; dbms_output.put_line('Email Handle: ' || l_email); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN dbms_output.put_line('Could not find employee given last name: ' || l_last_nm); END;
Lines 21 to 23 will never be hit. Why? Because COUNT() does not raise the NO_DATA_FOUND exception. It returns 0 if no rows match the filter.
Well, my senior moment today was forgetting that BULK COLLECT behaves in a manner similar to COUNT().
The following anonymous block retrieves all attributes for employees who match the given last name.
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE l_count INTEGER := 0; l_last_nm my_emp.last_name%TYPE; TYPE tr_emp_tab IS TABLE OF my_emp%ROWTYPE; lr_emp_tab tr_emp_tab; BEGIN l_last_nm := '&&last_name'; BEGIN SELECT * BULK COLLECT INTO lr_emp_tab FROM my_emp WHERE last_name = l_last_nm; IF (lr_emp_tab IS NOT NULL AND lr_emp_tab.count > 0) THEN dbms_output.put_line('Found employees:'); FOR i IN lr_emp_tab.first .. lr_emp_tab.last LOOP dbms_output.put_line(lr_emp_tab(i).first_name || ' ' || lr_emp_tab(i).last_name); END LOOP; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN dbms_output.put_line('Could not find any employees given last name: ' || l_last_nm); END; END; /
If we run it for “De Haan”, “King” and “Bogus”, we get the following output.
SQL> Found employees: Lex De Haan PL/SQL procedure successfully completed SQL> Found employees: Steven King Janette King PL/SQL procedure successfully completed SQL> PL/SQL procedure successfully completed
That last result surprised me. If there were no rows to put into the waiting collection, just like the simple explicit cursor INTO above, I was expecting it to raise the NO_DATA_FOUND exception and spit out the “Could not find…” sentence to the screen. What I had forgotten — and am sharing so you don’t have to learn the hard way — is that if the explicit cursor is using BULK COLLECT and no rows are found, it gives you an initialized empty collection, which we verify with the code listing below.
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE l_count INTEGER := 0; l_last_nm my_emp.last_name%TYPE; TYPE tr_emp_tab IS TABLE OF my_emp%ROWTYPE; lr_emp_tab tr_emp_tab; BEGIN l_last_nm := '&&last_name'; SELECT * BULK COLLECT INTO lr_emp_tab FROM my_emp WHERE last_name = l_last_nm; IF (lr_emp_tab IS NULL) THEN dbms_output.put_line('The receiving collection is atomically NULL'); ELSE IF (lr_emp_tab.COUNT = 0) THEN dbms_output.put_line('The receiving collection is empty'); END IF; END IF; IF (lr_emp_tab IS NOT NULL AND lr_emp_tab.count > 0) THEN dbms_output.put_line('Found employees:'); FOR i IN lr_emp_tab.first .. lr_emp_tab.last LOOP dbms_output.put_line(lr_emp_tab(i).first_name || ' ' || lr_emp_tab(i).last_name); END LOOP; END IF; END; /
If we run it and provide the last name of “Bogus”, it confirms that what BULK COLLECT does is initialize the collection and skip putting anything in it.
SQL> Table dropped Table created The receiving collection is empty PL/SQL procedure successfully completed
Knowing this, I was able to remove the exception section, and as a side effect made the code more simple and correct.
Live well!
Nice post. You may want to revise the following statement though:
“COUNT() does not raise the NO_DATA_FOUND exception. It returns 0 if no rows match the filter.”
It’s not true in every case. There are cases, like the following, when NO_DATA_FOUND is raised despite using COUNT().
x varchar2(10) ;
y number ;
select dummy, count(*)
into x,y
from dual
where 1=2
group by dummy ;
end ;
ORA-01403: no data found
Apologies for not seeing this in my moderation queue. That is a good point if you use COUNT() with a GROUP BY.